Zapf Creation AG to increase share capital by just under 10%

Zapf Creation - 28. September 2006
  • 799,998 new shares will generate approx. EUR 6 million for the group
  • Preparations are under way to issue up to another 3.2 million shares

The Management and Supervisory Boards of Zapf Creation AG, Europe's leading manufacturer of play and functional dolls, have decided to increase the company's share capital of EUR 8 million (divided into 8 million unit shares) by just under 10% to strengthen its capital base. For this purpose, 799,998 new shares will be issued under section 186 para. 3 clause 4 of Germany's Joint Stock Corporation Law [Aktiengesetz]. Existing shareholders' pre-emptive rights are excluded, the price is close to its stock market level. Isaac Larian and Ron Brawer, MGA Entertainment Inc. representatives on Zapf Creation’s Supervisory Board, and Gustavo Perez, also a member of the Supervisory Board, will buy the new shares. The issue price per share is EUR 7.45, generating approx. EUR 6.0 million for the company.

In a second step, the Management Board also intends to increase the share capital by up to EUR 3.2 million by issuing up to 3.2 million new unit shares. Shareholders will have pre-emptive rights. Preparations for these equity actions are now under way. This move, however, is subject to approval by the Management and Supervisory Boards.

Darüber hinaus beabsichtigt der Vorstand, in einem zweiten Schritt das Grundkapital um bis zu 3,2 Mio. Euro durch die Ausgabe von bis zu 3,2 Mio. neuen Stückaktien mit Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre zu erhöhen. Die Vorbereitungen für diese Kapitalmaßnahme haben jetzt begonnen. Die Umsetzung bleibt jedoch einer weiteren Beschlussfassung durch Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat vorbehalten.

Dr. Georg Kellinghusen, CEO of Zapf Creation AG: "This new share issue is a first, essential step to strengthen Zapf Creation's capital base and complete the group's current restructuring successfully. We are glad that, with their investment, MGA Entertainment’s management and Gustavo Perez have expressed their confidence in the future of Zapf Creation. The recently agreed cooperative deals with MGA in the areas of sales and sourcing are making progress and will soon show positive effects.”