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Kurzbezeichnung Geoworld
Bezeichnung Geoworld Group
Postadresse Via Giuseppe Piccaro, n° 9
33040 Torreano di Cividale

Telefon +39 432 715611
FAX +39.0432.715914
Webseite www.geoworldgroup.com
E-Mail Kontakt info@geoworldgroup.com
Firmentyp Hersteller


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1988 - Stefano Piccini, palaeontologist and geologist, opens in Cividale, Udine, Geolinea, initially only an artisan workshop specialized in restoration and treatment of fossils and minerals. Soon after the Paleontological Laboratory becomes a reference point in the world of fossils and minerals, thanks to the rarity of its specialization. The Paleontological Laboratory works on behalf of museums and universities in Italy and abroad: Natural History Museum of Milan, of Venice, of Denver (Colorado,USA), of Stuttgart and of London.

2009 - Geoworld now operates in four business areas: educational toys, jewels in semiprecious stones, furnishing accessories, publishing. All business sectors have developed in a consistent manner, thanks to a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of the raw materials: stones and fossils. This know-how has made it possible to identify how to use the raw materials themselves in various fields of activity to propose different types of products, enhancing the intrinsic value and uniqueness.
