TIE is an action group that promotes the value of toys and play in the psychological, physical and social
development of children. It is the representative voice of the toy industry to EU stakeholders. TIE’s
membership consists of corporate members, national associations and affiliates. Amongst TIE’s corporate
members are Artsana, Bandai, Giochi Preziosi Group, Groupe Berchet, Hasbro Europe, Hornby, the LEGO
Group, Mattel Europe, VTECH Electronics Europe S.A.S Group and Zapf Creation AG. TIE’s national
association members include the Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Juguetes (AEFJ), the Association
of Danish Toy Manufacturers, the Association of Swedish Suppliers of Toys and Hobby Articles (LLH),
Assogiocattoli, the British Toy & Hobby Association (BTHA), the Deutscher Verband der Spielwaren Industrie
(DVSI), the Fédération Française des Industries Jouet-Puériculture (FJP) and the Organisatie van
Nederlandse Speelgoedleveranciers (ORNES).