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NameFelix the Rabbit
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginChildren's Book
Target GroupKids aged 2 and up
(all editorial content "Felix the Rabbit")

Felix introduces himself

Translated into 25 languages, more than 7 million copies sold – that’s Globetrotting Felix in plain but impressive facts. And he even set out to conquer the small screen! In spring 2002 Felix the Plush Rabbit made his debut as TV star on KIKA & ZDF. In spring 2005 he entered the silver screen with “Felix – Ein Hase auf Weltreise” – a film watched by more than 1.4 million young and not-so-young Felix fans. On 16 February 2006 the curtain raised for “Felix 2 – Der Hase und die verflixte Zeitmaschine”. The most recent masterstroke: In October 2006 Felix set off to visits the International Space Station ISS with ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter. Latest production: Since September 2008 more than 60 000 visitors watched “Felix – Das Musical”.

Things started back in 1994, when children’s author Annette Langen and illustrator Constanza Droop launched their first book “Briefe von Felix”. Felix, the adventurous plush rabbit, gets sometimes lost by accident and faces exciting adventures around the world. Ever since his market launch the little rabbit took the hearts of children by storm. Despite all adventures, Felix always finds his way back home – and that’s in Münster, Germany. Up to now seven picture books and several non-fiction books have been released to the market.

An integral part and the very feature of all Felix books are the funny and informative letters that the plush rabbit writes home to his friend Sophie from his travels. Messages in scrawly hare writing plus real envelopes are hand-pinned to all books and sometimes even contain special surprises. What’s more, the letters casually provide young readers with useful information on Felix’s current whereabouts.

Just like Felix sets off to discover the world in his books, the Felix brand sets off to conquer the world. Up to now, his books have been translated to 25 languages and entered the market not only in Austria, Switzerland and Germany … but also in Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Iceland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Australia, Japan, Korea and the United States.

And especially in the four last mentioned countries the interest in German books is anything but granted. In Israel Felix has been heading the list of best-selling books for months and thus contributes to international understanding and conciliation. A German child book on Israeli bestseller lists – that’s absolutely new!

There is no limit to communication with young and not-so-young Felix fans. In addition to the postal address in Martinistraße, Münster, Felix now has his own internet appearance. On children may send him emails, enter their name to the guest book and play exciting games with Felix. Countless emails and letters arrive daily at the publishing company and each fan receives an answer. On occasion of the film debut Coppenrath launched another internet page:

Due to increasing demand among young and not-so-young Felix fans, the company founded the Felix Club in October 2001: Children receive letters from Felix and the Felix Club that tell about customs and traditions, announce events and provide members with little surprise gifts like autographs, sticker postcards or flower seeds. In March 2006 the Felix Club celebrated their 30000th member!

In addition to popular books by Annette Langen and Constanza Droop Coppenrath Publishing also provides wonderful Felix products under their Edition “Die Spiegelburg” brand: The original plush rabbit in various sizes and variants, yummy Felix Chocolate, Felix games, textiles, stationery and beautiful Felix suitcases, functional rucksacks or smart travel accessories for all those who also love to travel a lot.

Meanwhile many well-known licensees add to their own range of Felix products: Besides others, Felix textiles (Mottom), Felix glasses for children (Nussbaumer), Felix tableware (Rosenthal), Felix SIGG Bottles, Felix cutlery (WMF), a Felix bicycle (Puky), Felix greeting cards (Inkognito) or Felix crayons (Faber) are available on the market. What is more, three Felix stamps for the “Päckchen mit der Marke” wowed young and not-so-young post customers at Easter and school start in 1999. In May 2005 Felix also featured two stamps in Switzerland.