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NameThe Little Prince
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginBuchklassiker „Der Kleine Prinz“ von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s
Target Group0 - 99 Jahren
(all editorial content "The Little Prince")

The Little Prince was born in New York. Since 1943, his incredible journey across generations. No matter where it is read, every single reader shares the same unique experience. The book is a worldwide phenomenon which conveys timeless values such as peace, love, friendship, cultural diversity, preservation of the environment, sustainability, traveling and discovery, as well as caring for the planet and its natural treasures.

  • First published in the US in 1943 and in France in 1946
  • 200 million books sold worldwide
  • 400+ official translations
  • 400 million readers since 1943
  • 10 million Facebook fans
  • 3 millions YouTube viewers
  • 250 licensees around the world
  • One official website, translated in 6 languages with 600.000 visitors per year Le Parc du Petit Prince in Alsace (France) is the first aerial park in the world On 29th of June Saint-Exupéry‘s Birthday will be celbrated as „The Little Prince Day“ from June to September worldwide