In October 2010, ZDF tivi, KI.KA and their new host Elton introduce a new concept to their hit show "1, 2, or 3". The cult quiz programme for children has been successful on German TV for more than 33 years: Three teams – one from Germany, one from Austria, and one from alternating countries – challenge each other and jump for points in time-tested "1, 2, or 3" style. This show principle remains unchanged – even with the new host Elton. "Ob ihr wirklich richtig steht, seht ihr, wenn das Licht angeht!" (Is your answer wrong or right? Watch the light!) – It’s still this nail-biting phrase that initiates the answer to the question. Nevertheless, the whole concept of the show has been revised and custom-tailored for Elton.
Especially the first question is “Typisch Elton” (Just like Elton!). He interviews passers-by on the street asking for their answer to a “1,2, or 3” question. What is more, the “Abgedreht” (In the Can) questions get really tricky: Children use their camcorder to search the next quiz for the studio candidates. The Buzzer Round "Hau drauf" (Hit it!) demands for quick thinkers and speedy hands: Here the candidates don’t jump the answer but hit the buzzer. But careful, they will lose precious points if the answer is wrong. The last round features the most difficult challenge, the so-called "5-Punkte-Frage" (Five Points Question). So the show remains thrilling to the very end, when the winners are finally revealed. "1, 2 or 3" quizzes span all fields of knowledge – so the candidates have to be fit in all areas. Also humour and entertainment have their share – Elton and his best pal Piet issue a fun guarantee!
1, 2 or 3 – Internationality
A fine idea: Wouldn’t it be nice to find new friends from other countries, to learn about their everyday life, their culture and customs? “1, 2, or 3” now provides the perfect background for international encounter. An unusual idea for an unusual quiz show: “1, 2, or 3” invites teams of children from all over the world to join their game! ZDF tivi and KI.KA. have already received applications from the USA, Finland, Turkey, Paraguay and many other countries! Together with students from Austria and Germany they play for the coveted “1, 2, or 3” Cup and many other prizes.
ZDF tivi seeks to provide a forum for children from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Here they will have the opportunity to meet in the studio and for additional activities, before they challenge each other on the “1,2,or 3” stage and strive for points. And maybe in the end, they not only take their prizes home, but also new experiences and friendships.
1, 2 or 3 – interactive
”1, 2 or 3” and teletext (page 549) provide the TV audience with the unique opportunity to join in, have a guess, and win prizes, too. After the show, children are invited to play online, browse topical information and apply for the show – as candidates or camera child, who helps to tape the show. Together with his best pal Piet, the new "1, 2, or 3" host Elton has his own dedicated online appearance to the show at