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Property Description
NameJoe´s Football Team
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginComic Books
Target GroupKids aged between 5 and 11

Big Joe is one of the richest men in the world. All his life he has been plump and far from sporty. When he was young he was laughed at, picked on and no one ever selected him for their team. Today Joe is one of the richest men on Earth and owns a chain of popular fast food restaurants. To prove all his childhood bullies wrong, he buys his own football team. Premium kickers now play under Big Joe’s colours. Sad to say, his plans all go awry. Each of the players is a real artist with the ball, but they are all lone fighters and unwilling to form a team. Joe’s Team loses every match and is relegated to the Third League.
Only when sexy paramedic Lisa Love takes over and fights down their resistance against a female trainer, they start growing together as a proper team. New tactics and their team concept start to pay off, first victories are gained. Their brand-new motto: “Born to win” boosts the morale and cheers them to unexpected heights.