Pingu – the adventurous life of a little penguin
Pingu is a cheeky but charming little penguin. Together with his mother, his father and his little sister Pinga he lives down at the South Pole – in a tiny igloo. For him, everyday is a great and mostly funny adventure. No matter whether he sets out to explore huge ice caves, plays fish-tennis, finds treasure maps or accompanies his father when he delivers letters – he always ends up in weird situations and makes new friends on his way. Even if he sometimes enrages the majority of the other penguins or something goes badly wrong – he may always take refuge in his family’s igloo.
Features and values
- Pingu is cute and ludicrous
- Pingu is easy to understand – in Pingu’s world all “Pinguis” speak a funny, expressive and easy-to-understand penguin-language
- Pingu unites fun and adventure
- Pingu stands for values like family and friendship
- Pingu personifies simpleness and realness
Worldwide Track Record- 1984 - Pingu starts his Antarctic career
- 1987 – Pingu conquers the world – airing in more than 100 countries on more than 140 TV channels
- Pingu wins several awards, including the Prix Jeunesse
- a total of 104 x 5‘ episodes plus a 25‘ special
- over 6 million books sold worldwide
- 2003 - relaunch of Pingu in UK
(brand-new style guide, refreshment of the series)
26 new episodes (nominated for another award)
7 new VHS/DVD titles released (2003 – 2005)
more than 2 million books sold worldwide since the relaunch - 2006 - production of 26 other episodes
- 3 other VHS/DVD titles hit the shelves
TVKI.KAMo – Fr 7:05 a.m. (24. January – 5. July 2006)
Sundays 2:15 p.m.
Ø Market share children: up to 27%
Viewers: appr. 130,000
ExtendTVa total of 156 episodes x 5‘ plus several specials
a total of 21 titles – including 3 titles in 2006
USPunique modelling technique (stop frame animation)
unique penguin-language (easy and comprehensible)
flexible 5-minutes format
TV SeriesStrategy:
- integral part of the KI.KA programme since October 2005
- long-time presence ensured by number of episodes
- launch of 3 new DVD titles
- Continuing marketing and PR activities by KI.KA
- ideal conditions for successful licensing
Licensing- licensed products in the key categories publishing, gifts, toys, apparel and soft goods
Licensing 2007
- First licensed products introduced in spring