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NameRecess - School's Out
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginDisney's Movie from 2001
Target GroupAll

Pure joy spreads over T.J.’s school: The summer break is just around the corner. Only half a minute and then it’s: Off you go to freedom! But that might soon be over: Former principal Benedict broods about an evil plan to get rid of summer breaks. That has to be avoided at any costs…
After Rugrats, Pokémons and Doug another TV series celebrates its silver screen debut: “Recess – School’s Out.” Just in time for vacation the characters T.J. and Co. from the "Disney Club" set off on their secret mission to safe the summer holidays. Hindered by wild ninjas and mad scientists the friends find help with their teachers – of all people. Especially their strict principal Prickly and grim Miss Finster reveal quite a different side – because also teachers need their well-earned holidays. And so the motto for all school children and teachers on and off the silver screen is: “Safe the Summer Break!”