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Property Description
NameDeltora Quest
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
OriginHeroic fantasy comedy
Target GroupBoys & girls 6 - 10

DELTORA QUEST, is based on the successful fantasy series books written by EMILY RODDA and published by SCHOLASTIC INC. First published in 2000, Deltora Quest has become a favourite with children around the world.

Deltora is a land of magic, monster and danger. The evil Shadow Lord has taken over the Kingdom...and only three people can save it.
Lief, Jasmine and Barda have nothing in common and everything to lose. They must embark on a perilous quest to recapture the seven lost gems of the magic Belt of Deltora. Only when the Belt is complete once more can the evil Shadow Lord be overthrown and the people of Deltora be free from tyranny.
The obstacles are many, the risks are real, but Lief , Jasmine and Bard must defeat the darkness, or else Deltora will perish.

TV Premiere: Japan January 2007

Format: 52 half hours episodes