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Target GroupBoys aged between 3-11, Girls aged between 3-8
(all editorial content "Wall-E")

After THE INCREDIBLES, CARS and RATATOUILLE now Disney.Pixar transport moviegoers to a galaxy not so very far away. WALL-E is the last fully functional robot on Earth. All humans have left the planet that they had been polluting for hundreds of years. It is Wall•E’s arduous task to dispose mountains of waste and litter. After 700 lonely years a spaceship lands on Earth and Wall•E shyly meets the fascinating female robot EVE. He falls head over heels in love with her and finally discovers what he has really been made for.

Wall•E caused a great stir at cinema box-offixes and took the first rank of German cinema charts for four weeks.


  • By the makers of CARS and RATAOUILLE
  • New popular figure Wall•E
  • Disney Highlight for 2008 with large scale promotion campaign
Factors of Success
  • A great CGI animation science fiction movie for the whole family
  • A film about emotions, friendship and environment
  • A fascinating world of robots
  • Overwhelming computer animation
Theatrical Release

Germany: 25 September 2008
Austria: 2 September 2008
Switzerland (D): 2 October 2008
Switzerland (I): 17 October 2008
Switzerland (F): 30 July 2008

February 2009 - Wall•E (DVD / Blu-Ray)

Soundtrack Wall•E, CD (EMI), audio play (Kiddinx)

Disney Interactive Studios
Wall-E (PS2, Wii, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo DS)

Several books (Xenos Verlag) and a sticker collection (Panini)