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Property Description
NameRebecca Bonbon
B2B InfoRights, Agencies,Licensees
Target Groupyoung females aged between 14-20, extended aged between 9 and 39
(all editorial content "Rebecca Bonbon")
TM & © CROWN CREATIVE CO., LTD. Licensed by FremantleMedia Enterprises

REBECCA BONBON is the latest character license by Hello Kitty creator Yuko Shimizu. Launched 2005 in Japan, REBECCA BONBON has long become a successful fashion and lifestyle brand with more than 50 licensees from different categories, including apparel, stationery, bags and multimedia. The elaborate style guide is revised and amended twice a year and provides licensees with textures, images and innovative product ideas.

Since 2008 FremantleMedia Enterprises exclusively markets the worldwide licensing rights to REBECCA BONBON (without Japan and Korea) – in Germany represented by Fremantle Licensing Germany GmbH.

Rebecca is a super cute French bulldog who was born and raised in Paris. One day, whilst playing in the park, a young American tourist chanced on Rebecca. They became such good friends that Rebecca returned with her to New York City. Now Rebecca lives a life in luxury: an apartment overlooking the Central Park, long strolls through the city in beautiful outfits and, of course, loads of sweets and bonbon in every flavour. She loves them so much that she has become affectionately known as ”REBECCA BONBON".