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KOSMOS - Die Drei ???: The Curse of the Cell Phone

Bezeichnung KOSMOS - Die Drei ???: The Curse of the Cell Phone
Hersteller KOSMOS
B2B Info Vertrieb
Warengruppe Jugendbücher
Artikelnummer 100898
EAN Code 9783440100899
Alter von: 10 / bis 16
Verfügbar von / bis Apr 2004 /2005 -
Cirka-Preis 7,90 €
Marken Kosmos , Die Drei ???
Buch ArtHardcover
AutorMinninger, André


Die drei ??? - The Curse of the Cell Phone

Mit Spaß und Spannung Englischkenntnisse festigen und ausbauen

The hottest thing with the teenagers in Rocky Beach: enchanted cell phones! They glow in the dark, a toxic green, and instead of ringing, they cackle eerily. But then an ominous shadow is cast over the small coastal town – some of the proud owners of these special cell phones mysteriously disappear. The only thing found at the scene of the crime is the glowing mobile telephone displaying the devil’s sign of 666. The three detectives, Justus, Peter and Bob pick up the trail left by the cell phone, without knowing what awaits them on the other end of the line …