CPLG Germany: Die Wilden Kerle zu Gast bei der KIKA Trickboxx

Copyright Promotions Licensing Group Germany - December 2011

The TV-show Trickboxx on KI.KA is hosting the Wild Soccer Bunch on Sunday, 18th December at 3.45 PM.


Presenter Juri takes his audience on an exciting journey through the land of the Wild Soccer Bunch. He shows in an appropriate way for children how a TV series is being created. The Trickboxx Team visited the production office in summer and produced this spot.

For more information visit the KI.KA webpage: http://www.kika.de/fernsehen/a_z/t/trickboxx/index.shtml

Enjoy the show!

With best wishes from your Wild Soccer Bunch team, RAAAAH!