Bullyland has caught the Yakari fever!

BULLYLAND - December 2011


End of 2011 BULLYLAND has caught the Yakari fever: with even seven lovingly designed comic figurines to the latest hit property the company provides all major characters of the show. Now children have the unique opportunity to play out the popular exciting stories around the little Indian boy Yakari and his friends – and to invent new adventures.

For this purpose BULLYLAND developed three different Yakari figurines: being a chief with a highly detailed war bonnet, sitting on the horseback of his best friend Little Thunder, or surfing dynamically on a giant feather – the little Indian boys always cuts a fine feather...
And, of course, Yakari goes never without his human friends, the Indian girl Rainbow and his best friend Little Bison. Always on their side is Yakari’s totem and personal protector Great Eagle. All seven BULLYLAND figurines are highly detailed and lovingly painted.