Celebrities Entertainment: Stupid Factory – are you serious?

Celebrities Entertainment - January 2012



Celebrities Entertainment is responsible for the pan-European marketing of the US street fashion label "Stupid Factory" – and together they stay on the road to success. Today more than thirty licensees from all over Europe distribute their licensed products from different categories. Also in Germany the label has been penetrating the market for over two years now with its sales-boosting sublabels “Goodbye Kitty”, “Monster Mash”, and “Heart Noggins”.
Just recently new designs under the sublabels “Monster Rock” and “Art of Todd” have been launched to the market. The Stupid Factory licensed portfolio is comprised of more than 16+ sublabels.

The list of licensees includes United Labels (who provide the German market with apparel and home textiles), OnEarz (the pan-European manufacturer of licensed headphones and mp3-based mini loud speakers) and TeNeues (who launched another student’s diary for 2013) amongst others.