YooHoo & Friends – new collectible characters by Simba Toys

Simba Toys - February 2013

YooHoo & Friends are new, cute collectible animals with large, beady eyes. With their new trendy collectibles YooHoo & Friends Simba Toys draw attention to endangered species that need to be protected and preserved.


The new collectible property tells a fantastic story. Main characters are YooHoo, Pammee, Chewoo, Lemmee, and Roodee. They live together on Yootopia and passionately care for their “Tree of Life”.

Due to an unpredictable accident one day all seeds of the Tree of life fly away and dark shadows loom over Yootopia. To save their world, the friends set out to the Earth do retrieve the seeds. Doing so, they have exciting adventures and make new friends all over the world.

Each animal of the new YooHoo & Friends collectible range by Simba Toys stands for one endangered species. In non-transparent bags young and not-so-young collectors will find one of 26 flocked figurines, a trading card and a booklet. The cards delivers many interesting information to the endangered animal and the booklet provides an overview of all figurines available.