Fun in the forest

NICI GmbH - Mai 2013


Oscar the little owl is one more family member for the Forest Friends created by the NICI GmbH which attracts everybody’s attention with his high spirits.
The Forest Friends autumn/winter-collection focuses on a little owl which is not only going to appeal to lovers of this particular bird species.

Provided with fluffy feathers and his hooped socks, Oscar is really looking forward to the cold time of year. He is always in a good mood and gets along well with the NICI Forest Friends and all other animals of the forest. He spends his daily afternoon nap dreaming about the adventures yet to come. When he is well rested, Oscar likes to roam the woods and visit his countless friends for a little chat.

From the mid of August, Oscar the owl will be available in well-assorted gift and toy shops, department stores, on the internet as well as in the more than 30 NICI shops.


The cute brown owl with the blue-and-white hoop socks is available as fluffy dangling plush in three different sizes (15, 50, and 80cm). All of those who prefer plush-owls whose head can be turned 360 degrees should choose the 25cm or 35cm version of Oscar in which head and body are linked with a joint. For all of those who want their owl to be a bit smaller, the 12cm Bean Bag key ring is the perfect companion.

Amazing gift ideas for young and old

Die neue Forest Friends-Kollektion um Oscar die Eule begeistert durch ein vielfältiges Produktprogramm.
Ein rechteckiges und ein figürliches Plüschkissen laden zum Relaxen und Schlafen ein. Und damit man an kalten Wintertagen nicht frieren muss, spendet die 175 x 140 cm Plüschdecke, die einen schlafenden Oscar zeigt, behagliche Wärme. The latest Forest Friends-collection featuring Oscar the owl delights with a multifarious product programme. A rectangular cushion and one which has the shape of Oscar are perfect for taking a nap or for relaxing a little. A large plush-blanket (175 x 140cm) featuring a sleeping Oscar keeps you from freezing on a cold winter day.



NICI’s owl can also be a loyal companion in the shape of a plush-rucksack and a handy neck pouch. Even at school, Oscar is in on it: His image can be found on two pencil cases. And every child’s room can do with the Forest Friends alarm clock und a measuring pole featuring Oscar on his favourite tree.

Some might remember how difficult it was to learn the clock. The plush learning clock in the shape of Oscar makes learning easy and fun. All kindergarten-friends can leave their marks in a friendship book. The scissors which come with a safety shell can be used for first creative works of art. The lunch box and 350ml thermos flask make every break worthwhile. And who would want to do without Oscar the owl at breakfast? Two porcelain-mugs make waking up in the mornings easier.


Fly, little owl, fly...