Peanuts News - Facebook & Apps

Team! Licensing - May 2014


PEANUTS cross 5 Million Facebook Fans. With an above average Fan Base Snoopy is the most active Character on Facebook. A superb 24% Engagement makes PEANUTS Fans about 10 x as active as other fans on Facebook. Matters are also thrilling in terms of Apps: Beeline delivers with “Snoopy Sugar Drop” a new, attractive game in localized language versions.


Recently the Snoopy Facebook site attracted far more than 50,000 new likes a week. The number of fans doubled since the beginning of the year to now more than 5 million. Snoopy’s fan base is the most active of all Facebook Characters, making him the character that is most talked about! Peanuts also continuously keep growing on Instagram and Twitter. Overall a stunning 1 Billion Social Media Impressions have been generated.

Beeline launches a new Peanuts App in local languages. Snoopys Sugar Drop was created as matching companion game to the already very successful Snoopy’s Candy Town app. Snoopys missing Sister Belle needs to be found in this puzzle experience. Diverse challenges in more than 100 colorful levels guarantee long term playing fun.


The different, already existing Peanuts Apps have been downloaded close to 20 Million times already.