ZDF Enterprises teams up with Emmy Award-winning producer Jasper James

ZDF Enterprises - November 2015

ZDFE.factual and Screen Glue sign development deal for series „Size Matters“

ZDFE.factual, the documentary department of ZDF Enterprises, has just signed a development deal with UK production company Screen Glue for the series “Size Matters”. In this series, British television producer, director and screenwriter Jasper James, well known as the co-creator of several of the legendary landmark series „Walking with...“ and winner of three Primetime Emmy Awards, will investigate why things are the size they are. The series has already sparked the interest of several networks and non-linear platforms.

Why are insects small and planets big? Why is Earth not the size of Jupiter or people the size of mice? And what would happen if we changed all that? The larger-than-life documentary series “Size Matters” will take the audience to various parallel worlds where size can be changed and, in doing so, the biggest and the smallest questions in the universe shall be answered in the most unforgettable way.

Jasper came up with a fascinating idea that could work in many variations”, says Ralf Rückauer, VP ZDFE.factual at ZDF Enterprises. “We feel we will be able to create an outstanding two-parter for broadcasters and networks on the East Coast and at the same time a long running series for non-linear platforms on the West Coast. This hybrid way of creating programs is essential for us in order to meet the needs of both worlds - traditional free and pay TV and on-demand services”.

Jasper James, founder of Screen Glue, adds: “I’ve always loved doing big shows and this series takes “Big” to a whole new level. And then some. We’re going to create a world that, by definition, no-one has seen before and then follow a cast of characters thrown into this supersized scenario to reveal why our world is like it is. Size Matters will be amazing, breath-taking but never po-faced. We’re going to marry the revelation of the best documentaries, the breathtaking visual effects of the most innovative feature films and the quirky curiosity of the best video-bloggers to create a series that is solid science with a twinkle in the eye."