Two New LIMA Webinars in May on Brand Expansion and Retail – Free for Members

LIMA - May 2016

Exciting LIMA webinars in May, free to LIMA members
($200 per line for non-members)!


May, 5th @ 12 PM (18:00h Germany) – Reframing How Brands Expand Globally

Every company is under pressure to grow their footprint and their presence. They need to hit their targets from within the structures they already have and in ways that are consistent with how they’re organized. Pete Canalichio, Managing Partner of of Licensing Brands Inc. and Mark Di Somma, Founder of the Audacity Group, will demonstrate through several case studies how top licensors are utilizing brand expansion through licensing to help maximize shareholder value and meet their long-term business objectives.

May, 18th @ 12 PM (18:00h Germany) – The Third Wave of Retail

Consumers spoiled by the conveniences of commodity purchases online desire unique experiences inside the store. Raj B. Shroff, VP Brand, Strategy and Design at retail consultancy WD Partners, will discuss the different wants among generations and define third wave retail – including its key attributes and how they can be applied to today’s retail experiences. This webinar will be especially helpful for brand owners, marketers and manufacturers.

Whatever stage of your career, educate yourself with one of many learning opportunities. Webinars are free to all LIMA members, $200 per line for non-members. Members also receive free access to our entire webinar archive of over 75 sessions.

Register for a webinar now