Film funding for the Olchis – the popular Oetinger children’s book characters become film stars

Oetinger - November 2016

The projected CGI movie »Die Olchis« secures funding from the Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (FFHSH) and receives 550,000 €. Ulrike Düwert, manager of the OeFa Oetinger Filming Rights Agency and Markus Langer, managing director of Oetinger Media, are happy to announce: “Thus the project has cleared a major hurdle on the way to realization.”

The first CGI movie to the Oetinger longseller “Die Olchis” is currently in the development phase. WunderWerk, producer of successful children’s shows like »Die Wilden Kerle«, »Der kleine Ritter Trenk« or »Wir Kinder aus dem Möwenweg«, takes care of the loveable green creatures and is going to realize the film in cooperation with Friedrich Oetinger Publishing acting as co-producer and with close involvement of hit author Erhard Dietl.

The film is directed by animation expert Toby Genkel (»Ooops! Die Arche ist weg...«). The screenplay has been written by John Chambers (author of the series »Molly Monster«), who won the German Animation Screenplay Award 2016 for it. The jury wrote about the »Olchi« screenplay: »We have been touched and amused, the play made us smile and laugh out loud«.

Shooting of »Die Olchis« begins in summer 2017.

The Olchis were created by author and illustrator Erhard Dietl. In 1990 the first book “Die Olchis sind da” was published by Friedrich Oetinger – countless books, audio books, non-book items, apps and much more followed. Up to now, more than 6.7 million dedicated Olchi products have been sold.

Since the beginning of 2016 the OeFA – Oetinger Film Rights Agency has been acting as agent for publishers and authors from publishing and theatre focusing on children’s and youth licenses. In addition to publishers of the Oetinger Group and Magellan which have been on board since the founding of the agency, OeFA as of now also acts on behalf of Ueberreuter, Annette Betz, G&G, and Nilpferd.

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