Shanghai Festival honours ZDF documentary "The Drama of Dresden"s

ZDF Enterprises - June 2006
"The Drama of Dresden" has been awarded yet another major prize. At the Shanghai Television Festival this documentary, a production of the ZDF Department of Contemporary History, has won the Magnolia Award.

It is only a matter of months since the documentary won the coveted International Emmy for Best Documentary at the 2005 awards in New York. The 90 minute film (written and directed by Sebastian Dehnhardt, supervising producer Guido Knopp) about the devastation of Dresden in a bombing raid during World War II was first broadcast by ZDF on 8th February 2005, 60 years after the terrible events. The production was made in association with BROADVIEW TV GmbH, Cologne.

Guido Knopp, Head of the Department of Contemporary History at ZDF: "We are delighted that our historical documentaries achieve recognition like this not only from large audiences but also from experts in the field of television. This prize honours the achievement of a well-established team."