HABA learning games see children through school days

HABA - May 2017

The first day of school is something special for young and old. Children’s eyes beam with expectation. Their brand-new school bags gleam in bright colours, while their parents, grandparents, and the whole family proudly watch them go to school with their large gift cones. This, of course, raises the question of the right “filling” for the traditional gift cones. HABA provides just the right ideas for all those who are looking for a completely sugar-free present: exciting jigsaws and high-quality educational games that playfully help to train subject matter and refine key skills.

Great little gift ideas for traditional gift cones

The HABA Mini Puzzles provide jigsaw fun on small scales: Put 40 jigsaw pieces together and discover exciting images of construction sites, zoos, castle knights and farm animals. HABA Pixie Gifts are – just like their name suggests – fine little gift ideas for special occasions like the first day of school or just because you want to surprise someone dear. These handy small boxes provide fun for everyone. Sometimes it’s all about dexterity, sometimes about your memory or quick reactions. Caution, Under Construction! asks children aged 5+ to act as little helpers and try to be the fastest to carry out Builder Ben’s assignments. The Magical ABC Duel is a magical game of letters that develops children’s power of concentration and trains their keen eye.

Equally perfect gift ideas are the HABA Learning Games in a Tin. They provide play fun and learning experiences for the first year at school. As early as preschool ABC Magic playfully familiarizes abecedarians with letters and sounds: Players help Wizard Alphexi to arrange the letters in his alphabet soup in proper orders and form words to different categories. Together with the Number-Pirates children aged 5+ go on an exciting hunt for a treasure of a special kind: the numbers 1 to 10.

Learning games for young letter jugglers and mathematical wizards

As soon as the first days at school are over, first graders face daily school routines: learning and doing their homework becomes an integral part of everyday life. However, HABA’s exciting educational games keep the magic and ease of learning alive – even beyond the first days of school. Expedition Vocabulary allows children aged 6+ to playfully discover the world of words. They learn to spell, read and assemble first words. Calculating Rallye trains summation, multiplication, and mental arithmetic with numbers up to 100.

Frankindex! Numbers & Quantities is a monstrous learning game that literally provides beastly play and learning fun. Players have to use their sense of touch to find out how many cubes are in the little bags. Also the game Frankindex! Letters & Sounds calls for the power of concentration and intuition: Here players support the monsters Alphine and Zetto to guess shapes by touch and match them with corresponding letters.

The cheeky reading witch knows all about letters, simple words and expressions. If her red feet fit into the holes in the cards, you have matched the correct parts. So you immediately know if your solution is right. A real expert in numbers is the Calculation King. He also uses a simple and quick checking method to tell you if you have found the right result to arithmetic problems with numbers up to 20. For long-term fun, each game comes with seven different play ideas and levels of difficulty. Additional stunning effect: Both characters not only tell you, if you are right, but also act as pencil holders.

The HABA learning game Reading Police – Mission in Wimmelstadt has been developed by experienced educators and extensively tested by the pupils of a German primary school. Cunning junior policemen aged 6+ go on an exciting manhunt. With the help of different clues they have to find crucial witnesses, an accomplice of the master criminal, or even the site of crime. Doing so, preschool and school children not only playfully train their reading and listening skills but also increase their power of concentration.