Baby Art 3D Print™ - a fancy present or just for yourself

BABY ART - November, 2006

Baby Art 3D Print Deluxe (White/Orange)™
Baby Art 3D Print Deluxe (Natural)™
Baby Art 3D Print Deluxe (Taupe)™
Baby Art 3D Print Deluxe (Black/Lime)™


Baby Art 3D Print™ - this print is absolute safe, easy to handle, takes just a few minutes and always turns out well. Unwrap the soft, ready-made printing material and carefully press your baby’s hand or foot into it. Fill in the Baby Art Paste and … done! Simple, quick and without grime! If you like – take the enclosed letters and add your baby’s name and date of birth.

Baby Art has hit the bull’s-eye right from the start: Demand for perfect, detailed and accurate 2D and 3D prints of baby’s hands and feet is unbelievably high. The age of bronze moulds and tin plates is definitely over. Now every parent wants to have this personal and fancy memory of their little ones, a unique piece of art. What is more, many parents are desperately looking for the ultimate present for a godmother, a godfather, for grandparents, friends and many more.

Baby Art products are successfully distributed in more than 87 countries. Small specialized shops as well as big chain stores added this new concept to their range of goods. Products have already appeared on several TV show like Big Brother and in numerous international magazines and newspapers.