12 new JAKERS! episodes coming to our screens

MR Merchandising & Retail - Januar 2007


That’s what Piggley, Dannan and Ferny fans have been waiting for!
Starting on February 4th 2007, KI.KA will be broadcasting daily at the usual time of 9am, 12 new JAKERS! episodes!

Piggley and his friends continue to embark on really exiting adventures. In the new episodes, we are introduced to some new characters that live in the Irish village of Tara. E.g. Sheep Wiley gets a companion named Shirley. Who of them will call the shots in the future and will make everyone laugh?! Captain Cumara is literally a seadog. And Finbarr, nephew of Mr. Hornsby, knows more legends and tales of Irish adventurers than anyone else in Tara.

Not only young viewers are thrilled by JAKERS! The popular 3D-CGI animated show has already won numerous awards; including six Emmy Awards and a Bafta. Loved by young and old alike, JAKERS! combines high quality and lovingly designed animation with traditional values and refreshing humour.

The award-winning series is already shown in more than 64 countries worldwide and is produced by Mike Young Productions. Licence holder is the London based Entara Ltd.

JAKERS! tells in a vivid and humorous way, how to experience life - with the right portion of creativity, imagination and adventurousness. At Raloo Farm in Ireland in the 50’s, boredom does not have any chance.

In the adventures of Piggley Winks, Dannan and Ferny, it's not only about fun and action. In each episode, Piggley learns a new life lesson, which he passes on to his grandpigs – the twins Seamus and Sean and their older sister Meg, as Grandpa Winks with a distinct twinkle in his eyes. Grandpa Piggley Winks has the marvellous gift of storytelling. His grandpigs listen reverently to funny adventures of his childhood with wide eyes and big ears.

JAKERS! products are available at retail and online at www.auschwarte.de.

Titles of Episodes:
1. Das spukende Schiffswrack / The Haunted Shipwreck
2. Das Zirkusäffchen / The Monkey
3. Die Sache mit dem Lesen / Judging A Book
4. Das fliegende Segelboot / Macarooned
5. Ringels erster Fernsehauftritt / The Return of the Raloo Rockers
6. Hörnchens erstes Haustier / How Much is that Dragon in the Window?
7. Das Geburtstagsgeschenk / The Gift
8. Das große Bootsrennen / Mi Galeón
9. Hektor nervt ganz schön / Hector’s Hero
10. Knigge auf dem Raluhof / Mind Your Manners
11. Ohne Fleiß kein Preis / Tale Spinner
12. Große Geschwister / The World According to Molly