The successful web community has long been supported by a large horsey fan base. Now the animated series inspired by Horseland finally arrives in Germany: From May 28th, 2007 the children’s channel KI.KA will air the first 26 episodes of “Horseland – Die Pferderanch” each Monday to Friday at 5:00 p.m. – repeating each show on the following day at a different time. From July Horseland will also air on week-ends.
The TV series is about five girls and two boys aged between 11 and 14, who experience exciting adventures with their horses in “Horseland” – a huge complex of horse stables, riding grounds, barns, pastures and bridleways – nestled in a beautiful landscape. Even the very first episode is full of excitement: A new girl will come to Horseland. And her reputation precedes her: She is considered to be the daughter of rich parents sitting on her high horse – arrogant and spoilt. Thus the others have made their judgement long before she arrives: She certainly won’t fit into their class. That’s why the new girl has difficulties to settle into the group. Only when she witnesses a serious riding accident, Sarah can prove her helpfulness and her extraordinary talent when it comes to horses. And than she is even able to rescue her fellow students from a dangerous situation! In the end, of course, prejudices are eliminated and Sarah becomes a valued member of the Horseland-Team. |
Joachim Knödler: “The topic not only appeals to horse-fans, but to every girl between six and eleven. Potential partners are already queuing up to acquire the rights on Horseland. We have entered final negotiations with several partners. Nevertheless, we are still open for more interesting co-operation offers. We want to provide a diversified portfolio of products from categories such as toys, accessories, stationery, print and fashion. In addition, we are also holding talks on food products and promotion activities.“ |