Rubik’s Cube Fans Set to Break a Guinness World Record
BRANDORA Editorial Staff - June 2020 The world’s most popular single toy (which boasts of a huge fan following in India as well), is celebrating 40 years since it became a global phenomenon. To enhance the festivities, it is inviting fans to participate in the world’s ‘most viewers for a Rubik’s Cube solving lesson live stream on YouTube’ on Thursday June 25 2020. The free to enter digital event will be hosted by the renowned speedcuber, Maryland USA-based Keaton Ellis, aged 22, who will host the event on Rubik’s YouTube channel
Rubik’s brand CEO, Christoph Bettin, speaking from the London headquarters said, “While the Rubik’s Cube is phenomenally popular, played by more than one billion people, we know that many struggle to solve the puzzle, so we want to change this conundrum. What better than to have a top speedcuber give a live lesson online where anyone can participate. The fact that we are likely to break a Guinness World Records title too is an added bonus.”
Those wishing to join in the fun are encouraged to join the live stream on Rubik’s Youtube channel where they will see details of the live digital event taking place at 8:00 PM UK-time on Thursday June 25. Participants can register on for an event reminder.
The event is aimed at complete beginners but participants are encouraged to look at the solution guides that can also be downloaded from the Rubik’s website
Christoph Bettin added, “There were 9,024 new ‘how to do the Rubik’s Cube’ tutorials posted on YouTube between June 1 2019 and May 31 2020. In addition, there has been exceptional interest in solving the cube during the lockdown period as the popularity in puzzles generally has soared.”