Humorous game hits for the whole family

Jumbo Spiele - Februar 2021

New card games: 6th Sense / The Vampires / Elixir Mixer
New board games: Perfect Holiday / Speed Wagon

With a colourful variety of new games for the whole family, this year the Jumbo Verlag is waiting for you. Funny themes, easy-to-understand rules and a snappy game play are the common characteristics of the five games presented. Whether it's about magic potions, vampire hunters, building a roller coaster or a holiday in a holiday hotel - fun is guaranteed.

When garlic and mirrors are in use, the vampires are not far away. In the card game "The Vampires" players try to keep the vampires at bay with their attack and action cards. The decisive factor is to choose the right time to play the best card in the the right colour. The kids will also have fun with the funny vampire pictures on their playing cards. Humorous and creepy is also the name of the game in "Elixir Mixer". In order to brew the best potion in a competition between wizards, you first have to collect the right ingredients. Spooky spiders, spiders, soggy eyes and much more can be found on the playing cards that have to be collected in order so the magic recipe can be fulfilled. The sixth sense of all players is in demand in "6th Sense", a new card game from Jumbo. If you had this sense, it would be easy to correctly predict the number of tricks. However, you have to use special cards correctly, adjust your prediction again and again and sometimes even forego a possible trick. "6th Sense" relies on interaction between the players and with its compact box, it is also perfect for holidays.

Speaking of holidays: the delights of a holiday in a great luxury resort are the subject of "Perfect Holiday", a new family board game from Jumbo. As often happens on holiday, everyone wants something different. Some prefer to chill on the beach all day, others want to go on an excursion or have a party. Or to go on an excursion or play a game of mini-golf. In the competition for the best holiday action a lot of turbulent situations await the players. And especially important: don't forget to take a selfie! Viele Wege führen zum großen Geld. Einer davon: eine tolle Achterbahn bauen, wie man das in "Speed Wagon", a board game for the whole family. Invest smartly, choose the best and buy what you need for the roller coaster - then success should come quickly. There are many different strategies for winning the board, which makes it all the more appealing.