The Broad Street Licensing Group announced today that it had been named by Milford, CT-based BIC USA, Inc. to explore and negotiate new licenses for BIC lighters. Carole Francesca, president of Broad Street Licensing, described her agency’s plans to seek brands that “speak to BIC’s core consumers: males, between the ages of 21-34, and likely to shop at convenience stores and mass merchandisers.” Ron Weingarten, Director of Marketing for BIC, said the Company hired BSLG to “negotiate new licenses on our behalf. We were very impressed with their credentials and look forward to working with them.”
“We’re very excited to be helping BIC extend its program to strategic and exciting brands and properties,” Francesca continued. She described BIC as the #1 lighter brand, and a world-famous brand in its own right. “We don’t have to explain to anyone who BIC is, which is the hallmark of the types of clients we take on.” | |