dtp young publishes „my little baby“ for Nintendo DS

dtp entertainment AG - February 2008

For big sisters, babysitters, aunts, expecting mothers and all other women of every age the Hamburg Publisher dtp young entertainment publishes the simulation "My little Baby" for Nintendo DS™. So who knows – maybe there will be brothers, uncles and future dads who will dare to the play as well.

In "My little Baby" players look affectionately after their sweet baby. Just like in real life, they cannot determine the appearance and gender of the child, but they can, however, decide about the appearance of the parents. When the time is due and the Nanny brings the baby home, the eventful, fulfilling, and sometimes hectic parental live begins: cooking meals, feeding, changing diapers, playing, shopping, bathing, cradling the baby to sleep, teaching to crawl and to walk, teaching first words and many other tasks wait for the players.

The interactive features of the Nintendo are used with this game to full extent. Players easily make their baby laugh when tickling it with the Nintendo DS™ Touchpen or play peek-a-boo by snapping the DS shut, reopen it and say "Peek-a-boo!". Using the built-in microphone players can also teach first baby words to the their child.

“My little Baby" will be released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for Nintendo DS™ on the March 14, 2008 at a price of 39.99 EUR.