m4e AG and Premiere agree on cooperation

m4e AG - March 2008

The Gruenwald based brand management and media company m4e AG and the pay TV operator Premiere have reached an agreement to cooperate in the area of brand licensing and merchandising.

As expert in the field of cross-media marketing, m4e will in future be responsible for the Premiere brand and Premiere’s own channels. As a result of the agreement, in 2008/2009 m4e AG expects turnover in the high six-figure range.

“We are delighted about the cooperation with Premiere. As the leading pay- TV operator in Germany and Austria, this media partner offers a huge potential for media-supported license and merchandising concepts. As a result of the coopertation, we are consequently further expanding our media cooperation business” explained Hans Ulrich Stoef, CEO of m4e AG.

Boris Haug, Head of Media Sales at Premiere: “With their competence and many years of experience in brand management and merchandising, m4e AG is the ideal partner for us. We feel sure that, together with m4e AG, we will be able to significantly expand the license marketing for the Premiere brand”.