Clare Davis is back at Brand Licensing Europe 2008

Brand Licensing Europe - July 2008

Clare Davis is back in 2008 with some new characters, new designs and new ideas! “2007 was a huge success. The show was really worth doing and I would recommend it to anyone. I met some really important people and got some really good licenses out of it. Baa Baa Wellies was a huge success. This in turn has led to another license with Enesco foe home wares that was launched at ISF this year. To top it all off, we are already working on January’s launch of giftware!” Clare’s unique style and versatility makes for a very easy and productive working relationship. Clare can be contacted on 07815 799363

Clare Davis will be one of more than 200 European exhibitors showcasing thousands of exciting new licenses at Brand Licensing Europe in London, 1-2 October. For more information, please click here.