EM.Sport Media AG: Sale of entertainment unit to Belgian Studio 100 completed

EM.Entertainment GmbH - July 2008

Following approval by the antitrust authorities in charge as well as the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM)Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK), respectively, the sale of the entertainment unit of EM.Sport Media AG to Studio 100, a Belgian media company, was completed today.

The sales price of the entertainment unit is EUR 41 million (cash-free/debt-free). Working capital adjustments may still have a positive effect on the overall selling price. Furthermore EM.Sport Media will also retain future proceeds from claims against the insolvency administrator of KirchMedia GmbH & Co. KG a.A. i.l. amounting to around 2.5 to 4 million Euro.

With the execution of the sale Werner E. Klatten, CEO of EM.Sport Media AG, resignes from the management of EM.Entertainment GmbH and Junior.TV GmbH & Co KG.