Free Online Comic For Tweens Launches

TAYMAI - August 2008

TAYMAI launches new internet ‘Comic+’ to help character owners reach kids.

The first edition of an all new online multimedia comic called Taymai Comic+ launches today. TAYMAI stands for ‘Tell all your mates about it’ and specialises in viral marketing.

Taymai Comic+ is a free, online, page-turning comic targeting kids aged 8 – 14. Featuring a mix of old and new media, including 2D hand drawn comic strips, video and online casual gaming, Taymai Comic+ ensures that there is something to appeal to every kid within its pages. In addition to already well known IP such as Roobarb & Custard, the comic includes many new characters, for example the front page is an animated introduction to a new property, The Screamers.

Taymai Comic+ is available online at; a promotional video on YouTube features its very catchy theme tune.

Also, every character featured in Taymai Comic+ can offer merchandise through an online print-on-demand store, with no stock risk to the character owner.

Taymai is a company specializing in the new media promotion of character-based intellectual properties. Comic+ is the first of many online viral tools developed by Taymai, to meet the needs of owners of new and existing characters, when building audiences and fan bases by using the internet.

Steve Manley, VPT, Taymai Ltd says “We are all very excited about the launch of Comic+. Having tested Comic+ with school children, the results confirmed what we have always believed, kids are very open to finding their entertainment online.”

TAYMAI will be one of more than 200 European exhibitors showcasing thousands of exciting new licenses at Brand Licensing Europe in London, 1-2 October. For more information, please click here.