Funshine Productions at Brand Licensing Europe

Brand Licensing Europe - August 2008

First time exhibitor Funshine Productions is celebrating its 10th Anniversary at this year's Brand Licensing Europe in October, on stand number 475. It's the world's first chance to discuss licensing opportunities with Funshine's Let's Get Fit4Life, Fruit & Vegetable Gang and Gary the Gardener.

The event will see the launch of the first ever animated cartoon episode of their children's book character, 'Gary the Gardener'. Primarily a children's theatre company, the group is now expanding into new markets.

Funshine's dynamic musical plays tour and play to - and interact with - thousands of UK children every year from Nursery through to Keystage 2. Following widespread international media coverage about childhood obesity, Funshine Productions researched and developed two pioneering shows: Let's Get Fit4Life and Gary the Gardener. The shows make it fun for children to explore healthy eating, gardening, recycling and the environment - and respond with their own lifestyle improvements.

Following on from the huge success of the live shows, licensing opportunities are now available in many areas including books, cd/dvds, clothing, food, seeds, magazines, tv, games and toys.

Funshine Productions will be one of more than 200 European exhibitors showcasing thousands of exciting new licenses at Brand Licensing Europe in London, 1-2 October. For more information, please click here.