Zoch Has another Bone to Pick

Zoch-Verlag - August 2008

"Sushizock im Gockelwok" – Fish or Bone - Discover a New, Delicious Passion

The latest addition to the well-known chicken tradition of the Zoch series “Zicke & Zacke” now hit the shelves: „Sushizock im Gockelwok“. p>

Fish have bones – even in the new dice game from Zoch: „Sushizock im Gockelwok“ by Reiner Knizia. Players use all their wit and tactics to try and snatch as much sushi as possible. However, sushis only gain in value when players can provide the suitable number of fish bones.

The dice game promises players gambling fun in its purest form: Do I want to take sushi or fish bones from the table or do I relieve another player of his or her catch? The quantity of sushis, fish bones or colourful chopsticks on the dices determines what is to be done. Who wins in the end, is decided by the “crunch question“: How many fish bones do I have to take to get as many sushis as possible?

„Sushizock im Gockelwok“ is a smart dice game and speaks along the same lines as „Heckmeck am Bratwurmweck“ which already enjoys cult status. The game guarantees 20 to 30 minutes of exciting gaming fun. With 24 attractive figures and five wooden dices the game is richly equipped for up to five sushi freaks. The game published in the “Zicke & Zacke” series is now available in stores throughout Germany for about eleven Euros.