Hexe Lilli bei den Piraten (Lilli the Witch and the Pirates) and two brand new Lilli the Witch flip quiz books are this autumn’s new KNISTER highlights in the Arena publishing programme.
Their successful adventure book Hexe Lilli bei den Piraten (Lilli the Witch and the Pirates) is now released in a fancy new edition: Just like any other pirate treasure the book comes in a precious gift box. While you bury yourself in the wild pirate adventure, many a treasure may be hidden inside the chest. Adventurous reading fun for all wild corsairs and lady pirates. Lilli loves conjuring ever since she has found a magic book at her bedside table. But sometimes her magic has unexpected consequences … Just like when Lilli succeed in witching herself onto a pirate’s where she promptly has to face the dreaded Captain Bartbacke. However, with wit and imagination Lilli again manages to squirm herself free from this dicey situation. |
In the new flip quiz books Hexe Lilli – Das Quiz: Können Kichererbsen lachen and Hexe Lilli – Das Quiz: Können Fische Wasser trinken? children will find answers to all those tricky questions they have always wanted to ask, but school never tackles: “Since when do humans have chewing gums?”, “Which schools are the strictest on Earth?”, or “How many muscles to you use when laughing?” and many other questions. The books always provide three answers, but only one is true. A funny guessing game for children aged 8 and up. Hilarious illustrations lead through different topics like language and idioms, animals, foreign countries, inventions and technology. The new flip books invite all Hexe-Lilli fans to join in guessing, riddling and puzzling. |