Two new properties for Tosh Licensing

Brand Licensing Europe - August 2008


Following the successful launch of its funky and highly distinctive Global Ikon® image collection in 2007, Tosh Licensing is set to introduce two new properties at Brand Licensing Europe 2008. Both will strengthen the company’s reputation for developing quirky and distinctive properties.

Local Folk® is a range of bold, fun characters representing iconic people from around the world. London characters, Buz the Queens Guard, Bob the Policeman and Yeo the Yeoman Warder, will be joined by Tex, Lib and Sam from USA – and Jock, Andy and Willy from Scotland. Characters from Mexico, Russia and Australia will also join the team in 2009. Global licensing opportunities are available across numerous categories.

Street Speak®, combines quirky and amusing British street names to deliver intelligent, fun and topical euphemisms. Launched at the start of 2008 on a highly successful but limited range of giftware, Tosh is using Brand Licensing Europe to broaden the appeal of the property to a much wider range of consumer products.

For more information, contact David McLagan Creative Director of Tosh Licensing on +44 (0)8450 536 779, or email

Tosh Licensing will be one of more than 200 European exhibitors showcasing thousands of exciting new licenses at Brand Licensing Europe in London, 1-2 October. For more information, please click here.