A new children’s game by Selecta: Feelina

Selecta - August 2008

Colourful butterflies help Feelina find her way to castle


Games publisher Selecta is famous for their unique ideas and their talent for wonderful product realizations. More than once they have won industry awards and official recommendations including the coveted “Children's Game of the Year” award. Now the Bavarian game creators present "Feelina", another magical children’s game. With lovely fairies and delicate butterflies the exciting reaction game especially appeals to little girls aged 4+.

Games designer Beate Nikolai allows up to four players to slip into the role of a dream fairy, a water fairy, a light or flower fairy. Everyone is looking forward to the annual fairy ball at the magical castle. Unfortunately, an evil wizard placed – “abracadabra” – an evil spell on all the fairies. Now where’s the way to the castle? Only the colourful butterflies sleeping under the large green leaves still know the answer. But sharp-eyed fairies with quick reactions may find and wake up their little friends and the butterflies’ colourful patterns will show them the way to the magic castle.

First you place all 15 butterflies around the “Wheel of Fortune” and hide them under the leaves. And now watch like a hawk! The Wheel of Fortune tells you, which butterfly they have to look out for. With sharp eyes (or perhaps a bit of luck) you are the first to uncover the right butterfly – keep it and move your little wooden fairy one step closer to the magic castle. Bad luck?! Then our lovely fairy has to go back one space …

No matter how often you play "Feelina" – each round is different, as the butterflies swap places. The new children’s game by Selecta is now available for Euros 19.99 at specialized retailers throughout Germany.



  • Designed by: Beate Nikolai
  • Illustrated by: Claudia Wieczorek
  • Published by: Selecta
  • Category: Children’s Game/Reaction Game
  • Players: 2 – 4
  • Ages: 4+
  • Price: app. Euros 19.99