Astrid Lindgren’s classics: Pippi Longstocking and Karlsson-on-the-roof now as dolls by Glow2B!

Glow2B Germany - November 2008


Glow2B Germany GmbH extends their existing dolls portfolio and adds Astrid Lindgren’s classic characters Pippi Langstrumpf and Karlsson-on-the-roof. Now various versions of the popular characters hit retail shelves. Pippi Longstocking herself will be available in three different sizes while the keyring pendant line features Pippi’s animals – her horse "Little Old Man" and her monkey "Mr Nilsson". Karlsson-on-the-roof comes as doll and keyring pendant.

“Just in time for the holiday season we extend our strong Astrid Lindgren line and provide specialized retailers with a perfect complement to the popular Pippi Longstocking and Emil i Lönneberga line by Micki”, said managing director Heinz Engstfeld.

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