Discover the Kazachok Licensing Forum in France

Kazachok - November 2008

The 6th edition of the Licensing Forum organized by Kazachok will take place at Village Roland-Garros, Paris on April 9th.

Who attends this event?
  • Licensors, licensing agents
  • Manufacturers and licensees
  • Retailers
  • Promotional and marketing agencies
The Kazachok Licensing Forum in Paris means:
  • more than 600 visitors
  • more than 50 exhibitors
  • The 6th edition has become The Licensing Event in France

The aim is to create networking opportunities between the market players, to allow licensors, licensees, retailers, communication and promotion agencies to meet and to talk about market trends.

Organize your day’s schedule ... according to your priorities!

  • The plenary conference, all with live translation, gives participants the opportunity to discover market trends and to analyze the different strategies involved in developing a license.
  • The “pitches” sessions organized in an adjoining room: exhibitors make in-depth public presentations of their Licenses for 2010.
  • Business Meeting, with the main players of the licensing market in the Property Space

They have already a stand ...

For more details, click here.

NEW in 2009 : We work with different Press Partners in Europe - Brandora in Germany – in order to make this event more European and to attract more attendees.

We have organized a “Special Forum Package” for the German Market including:
  • Return flight
  • 1 night at the hotel + dinner
  • Transfers
  • Entry at the Forum
  • Guided Tour of retailers in Paris (the day before the Event)

Conferences Program (work in progress)

Licensing trends in the European market
Spain, Italy, Germany and United Kingdom: different markets?
Top 5 Licenses by market.
Zoom on cultural peculiarities, (distribution, TV broadcasting…)

Integrating an animated property in an institutional and educational program
How can the values of the license be used?
What are the risks?
What are the steps of an operation with such a scope?

Round-table conference: 8-12 year olds, a very peculiar target
What are the consumption habits?
What are the appropriate products for what display?
Speaker: licensees, consulting agency, retailer

Dedicated shops: a new challenge for retailers?
Building an offer between online and traditional shops
What’s the future?

Fast food and licensing
How build an offer in a difficult food context?
What food policy for which promotional operation?

For more information:
Contact: Christelle Bourasseau
Tél: (33) (0)1 55 95 00 20