Trendy licensed properties – Trend Import offers a variety of up-to-date lifestyle brands

Trend Import GmbH - November 2008

Due to hottest properties, Trend Import GmbH has been unstoppable on their road to success for the last three years. Trend Import seem to have a good nose for cutting-edge brands. Trend setting brands like Playboy, Ed Hardy, Pip Studio, Victoria Francès or Tim Burton's - The Nightmare Before Christmas have been essential for the company’s rise.

Particular mention deserves the topical property „Ed Hardy“, which firmly established Trend Import on the market. The unparalleled, shrill style of all Ed Hardy images makes any product an unmistakable eye-catcher. Just now in the upcoming holiday season Ed Hardy is the number one fashion brand for many teenagers and young adults. In the front rank are beddings, cushions and cosy fleece blanket under the pan-European license of Trend Import. But also stationeries and various accessories are extremely fashionable. It’s no secret: Those who want to stand out and those who are well versed in the world of exclusive products should not miss the current Ed Hardy Hype.

And also the acquisition of the stationery license to the latest box office hit “High School Musical 3” confirms Trend Import’s good nose for the current stars of today’s teenagers.

One of the secrets to Trend Import’s overwhelming success is their creative in-house product development team. All article designs are tailor made for their specific target group.

But that’s not enough! Trend Import also have a flair for the development of original licensed properties. Up to now, their “Tussi in Tour” brand is their most successful originally designed license.