Celebrities Entertainment: Urban Football – Anywhere, Anytime

Celebrities Entertainment - March 2009

Urban Football is a young street wear label from England, the land of sport and football maniacs. Along the lines “Anywhere – Anytime” major cities become a playing field for football enthusiasts.

Urban Football gives licensees the opportunity to create an “Urban Football World Series”, just in time for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Categories still available include apparel, accessories, bag, footwear and – of course – footballs. Football enjoys increasing popularity also with girls, so female customers are provided with their own football label "Girls Football - Urban BALLerina".

“Urban Football is designed to address wholesalers and importers who entertain the thought of their own license but still haven’t found the right topic” , said Thomas Kornfeld, Manager Sales & Licensing, Celebrities Entertainment.

The agency plans to create and establish a strong trademark for long-term representation on retail markets. For more information about “Urban Football” please contact Celebrities Entertainment at any time.