Science To Blast Into Games As DCD Appoints Interactive Experts AT New Media

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - April 2009

Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab to utilise unique agency's expertise

TV production and distribution group DCD Media has appointed AT Brands, the division of AT New Media that provides expertise to brand owners looking to exploit their interactive games rights, as its specialist worldwide licensing agency and consultancy to negotiate licensing agreements in the category for Richard Hammonds BLAST LAB™. Under the agreement, AT New Media aims to exploit interactive games and applications opportunities for BLAST LAB™ on platforms that include Nintendo Wii®, and Sony Playstation 3 Eye®.

Simon Kay of AT Brands says, "We all know about the Wii®, which is currently the world's best selling console, however it is additional evolutions of technology that are intriguing for Blast Lab, all of which can incorporate movement interfaces. The PS3's ability to track the position of an object in 3D space using the new Eye® offers up more potential for motion-sensing gaming than the Wii Remote. That is potentially very interesting for games harnessing scientific concepts that the whole family can enjoy.”

As a Radio Times reader puts it, "Richard Hammond's Blast Lab has just taught my eight and nine year old boys about Newton's Third Law of Motion. Sounds boring? Not in Hammond's hands – we were all glued to it, the programme taught the children without them ever thinking there had been a lesson."

"From the Messy Messy Mess Test via the Mini Science with Mini Miss to the Fact Nav lovingly mapped out by Oliver the Car this is a series meant for the interactive genre," says Michael Gottlieb Licensing Executive at DCD Publishing. "The category is important to us so we have appointed the recognized experts in the sector, AT New Media. They fully acknowledge that Science is important and it has a place to play within the games sector. We want to appoint the best licensees in the category and co-ordinate the games with our dynamic merchandising programmme."

"We are always looking for genre defining clients and Richard Hammonds BLAST LAB is set to become the leader in the Science genre. Science has not been fully exploited in the games sector and we hope to harness the new family and education ethics that exist in the games market to advance this fantastic property. We are thrilled again that genre defining brands have recognised our capabilities as the licensing industry’s unique specialist interactive rights agency," says Simon Kay, Business Development Director, AT New Media.

Interactive games companies interested in learning more should contact Simon Kay T: +44 7973 754 239