Tomy: Locomotion provides infants with many colourful surprises

Tomy - April 2009


From May Tomy will distribute a colourful push’n’go vehicle that provides children aged 9months+ with many astonishing surprises. Locomotion Loco seems to come right from the fun fair. One carriage features a merry-go-round, a second two jumping colourful balls and the third comes with a rotating mirror. Whenever the little engine-driver pushes the cute engine chimney he is awarded a merry squeak. Of course, children can change the position of individual wagons at will. And whenever Loco needs a breather, he may also cruise around the flat on his own. Locomotion Loco helps little engine drivers to train their fine motor skills and eye/hand coordination.

The little locomotive is available at specialized retailer for 19.99 Euros.