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Esdevium also kicked off a UK Store Challenge last month as part of its organized play activity at core game and hobby stores. The tournament culminates in the National Launch Championship at UK Games Expo in Birmingham on 7th June. “We’re naturally very excited about Chaotic’s successful launch in the UK,” commented Steve Buckmaster, Director of Sales at Esdevium. “This is a game and a property that has everything going for it, and we believe it will be an evergreen brand in the collectible card game category for years to come.” Chaotic® is the first trading card property specifically designed to combine trading card game play with a unique online multiplayer video game experience. Each Chaotic® trading card is printed with a unique alphanumeric code that enables Chaotic® players to upload their personal card collection onto the Chaotic® Website, www.ChaoticGame.com. Additionally, the Website features interactive game play functionality, a Web-based trade sector (allowing users to trade their Chaotic® Cards online with other players), Web-based messaging, forum discussions and more. Chaotic® TGC celebrated its EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) launch at the Nuremburg Toy Fair in February. Spin Master has been appointed as the exclusive worldwide licensee to design, develop and manufacture Chaotic® toys including action figures and collectables, and to distribute the toys in the United Kingdom, France and Mexico. The first toys are expected to hit UK retail shelves early 2010. In addition, Activision is expected to release the first video game on Nintendo Wii and DS, Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms this Autumn. During 2008, the Chaotic® TCG was the No. 1-selling trading card game in Canada and among the top five selling trading card games sold at mass retailers in the U.S. The Chaotic Website (www.chaoticgame.com) has over 1.4 million registered users, and, collectively, those users have uploaded nearly 60 million cards to the Website. Complementing the Chaotic Trading Card Game is the Chaotic animated TV series which launched early January ’09 in the UK on Jetix. The series, which airs at 1930 on weekdays and weekend mornings, ranked as the network’s No.2 show for boys 4-15. “Chaotic is showing steady growth in North America, the UK and Europe and now that fans will be able to find the trading card game at top game retailers across the UK, we’re looking forward to a strong year for the property,” said <Sandra Vauthier-Cellier, Managing Director of 4Kids Entertainment International. |