4Kids International Partners The Dog Plush

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - May 2009

Artlist Collection: The Dog Boosts Ice Cream Sales in Portugal
4Kids International Partners The Dog Plush With OLA Ice Cream for Successful National Promotion

Photography brand The Dog, part of the 4Kids International brand portfolio, has increased its presence in Portugal with a successful promotion that pairs The Dog-themed plush with OLA ice cream.

Part of the popular animal photography franchise from Artlist Collection that also includes The Cat and The Pig, The Dog features adorably expressive and charming pictures of a variety of dog breeds taken through a fish-eye lens. Launched in Japan in 2000, The Dog has quickly become a global licensing phenomenon, accounting for more than $300 million in sales revenue to date. The collection is comprised of over 100,000 images spanning 70 breeds, photographed with its trademark 70:30 head-to-body ratio.

Having kicked off in February, the promotion ran nationally in Portugal in more than 37 OLA ice cream stores through early spring. Customers were offered a branded mini-plush with the purchase of an item from OLA’s kids’ ice cream menu. The promotion was so popular, many shops were sold out of The Dog premiums within nine days.

Artlist Collection: The Dog and companion brand,The Cat, have established a strong European licensing presence across such key categories as plush, online greeting cards, mobile phone and mp3 accessories, video games, bags, wallets, nightwear, collectables, bedding, and homeware. The Pig is the latest addition to the franchise and is quickly developing a presence in the UK and France, with 4Kids looking to broaden its range of licensees and territories.

“The Dog is part of the increasingly strong Artlist Collection franchise and lends its unique visual style to a variety of licensing categories,” said Sandra Vauthier-Cellier, Managing Director, 4Kids Entertainment International. “The Dog continues to attract interest from licensees and promotional partners because of its strong history of success in both areas.”