The Licensing Machine (Panini Group) Will Premiere In Europe The New Fullmetal Alchemist Series On YouTube

The Licensing Machine - May 2009

New Full Length Episodes to Premier on YouTube

Following the worldwide success of the first FullMetal Alchimist series, The Licensing Machine, a division of the Panini group, announce the European online launch of the second series: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Starting on May 16, seven FullMetal Alchimist Brotherood episodes will be available and, beginning May 27, one new episode per week will be placed at the fingertips of Internet viewers.

FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood debuts on Panini’s YouTube channel ( in premiere and, later, on websites of European broadcasters that ran the first series of the Anime.

“This is really an extraordinary event, we believe: it is the first time ever that it will be possible to see in Europe and via online streaming almost at the same time of the Japanese TV airing, the official episodes of a TV series in high-quality and subtitled in 11 languages!”, Giusy Panari – Director of The Licensing Machine claims, “A not-to-be-missed opportunity for all fans and a challenge for Panini made possible by the hard work of our team together with the YouTube colleagues as well as the invaluable support of Aniplex Incorporation, who allowed the pioneering and innovative project. This confirms the importance of making available high quality and official content on the web and for the benefit of its users.”

“We’re thrilled that the Panini Group, through its Licensing Machine arm, has extended its relationship with YouTube to distribute a loved full-length series in a strategic way while leveraging tools that allow it to identify and manage its content” said Maria Ferreras, Strategic Partner Development Manager. “YouTube’s massive audience and unique ability for fans to engage with content through ratings, comments and video responses makes it the ideal place for people to watch FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood.”

The Licensing Machine (Panini Group) is using YouTube’s Content ID technology to automatically control their rights on YouTube. Doing so both demonstrate an intelligent approach to making videos available on YouTube, while providing the company with a revenue opportunity.