KOSMOS: International Solar Conference in Berlin

KOSMOS - May 2009

The 15th international SolarPACES conference takes place from 15 - 18 September 2009 in Berlin, Germany. The foremost symposium for solar power and chemical energy business invites experts and professionals from research, development, industry, politics and financing stakeholders to promote innovative technology. By the way, host country Germany is market leader in research and development of solar thermal power plants.

Solar thermal power plants use concentrated solar radiation to produce energy. In the so-called Sun Belt – the region north of the 40th parallel, south latitude, and south of the 40th parallel, north latitude, e.g. from South-Spain to South-Africa – solar thermal energy plants are quite an efficient technology. And also Middle Europe will benefit from solar energy in the future, as innovative technology will provide low-loss transportation facilities. Even today solar plants produce energy for more than one million people; according to latest research more than 15% of world wide power requirement will be covered by solar energy in 2050.

1080000000 terawatt hours solar energy hit the Earth every year – 60 000 times the average worldwide energy requirement. Now solar thermal plants and photovoltaic facilities may use this energy potential. Now children aged 8+ learn more about solar cells with the new blink c3="KOS">KOSMOS-experimental kit “Solar Generation”. Colourful parts, a large double solar cell and an electric motor can easily be combined to full-functioning models – from cranes to drawbridges through to models that emanate from pure imagination. An illustrated 64-page instructional book explains every experiment. “Solar Generation” is available at specialized shops at SRP of Euros 64.99.